Organic apples

There is an old English proverb: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This is true, since this fruit type contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants, simple sugars, organic acids and pectin. All of these elements in combination significantly improve the condition of various body systems.

Recently, an essential part of countries have been switching to growing organic apples. The purpose of this choice is getting eco-friendly fruits without any potential harmful effects for the human body.

For this reason, farmers take specific and very important steps:

they choose varieties of apple trees characterized by  maximum resistance to aggressive external conditions;

they prepare the soil for planting fruit trees in a special way: it should be made free from weeds, added with organic elements and mineral concentrates, and then the lend must be deeply dug or plowed;

they organize an effective system of watering and feeding seedlings;

they take into consideration the protection of plants from diseases and pests (the use of biological insecticides, pheromone traps, etc.).

This is interesting:

the seeds contain the lion’s share of beneficial bacteria, not the flesh of an apple. So, if you refuse to eat an apple snack with seeds, you will receive only 10 million of the 100 million possible nutritious microorganisms.

There is no place for traditional gardening technologies if we speak about growing organic apples, even despite it’s being widely used nowadays. We don’t use any synthetic growth promoters, herbicides, chemical insecticides or fertilizers. As a result, juicy fruits are really organic, characterized by rich aroma and do not cause allergies. Moreover, organic apples are characterized by a high-quality and various microbiome, so fruits seem especially nutritious and delicious.

In particular, eating organic apples positively influences the intestine characterized by  constant dysbacteriosis and disorders. According to the scientific research, such apples are full of lactobacilli in addition to useful probiotic bacteria, but they do not contain pathogens from the Escherichia-Shigella group causing intestinal diseases and diarrhea.