It’s well known that the Japanese are sophisticated aesthetes being aware of beauty and harmony. They also know how to cook delicious food and have achieved incredible success in the selection of fruit trees. A vivid example can be the Fuji apples, which has received worldwide recognition.
It got its melodious name due to the village of Fujisaki in Aomori Prefecture, near which the Tohoku experimental station is located. Back in1939, this variety was bred here. Its “parents” were “Native Americans”: Red Delicious and Rolls Genet. In 23 years, Fuji officially entered the ranks of the best Japanese apple trees. After that it was imported to China, the United States and Western Europe. He easily and quickly took root in these territories, occupying leading positions in industrial gardens.
Did you know that the variety name has another version of origin? According to this version, the hybrid was named after Mount Fujiyama, which the Japanese consider sacred. It is an active volcano located on the island of Honshu, namely in the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. Fujiyama is the highest mountain in Japan, which is a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists and Shintoists.
Fuji is a winter variety of apples. Trees of this species are highly resistant to adverse environmental influences: winter cold, summer heat and drought, high humidity and poor soil quality, gardening conditions. Their large fruits attract the attention of the perfect rounded, slightly elongated shape; smooth surface with a matte shine, greenish-yellow color with a thick red blush – dense, blurred or dotted.
These apples are characterized by an elastic dry peel that easily bursts when bitten. The flesh of the fruit is white or creamy, fine-grained, tough, crunchy and very sweet. It gives a slight sour-spicy aftertaste in the mouth, contains a large amount of natural antioxidants catechins.
Fuji apples are characterized by good transportability and a long shelf life. Even in an ordinary basement or cellar, they can be stored for up to four months, and in specially equipped modern warehouses they can lie completely intact and safe until the end of spring – beginning of summer. Fruits are tasty ehen just eating, but they can be used to make aromatic jam and filling for baking; squeeze out the useful juice.